Saturday, September 18, 2010

SPIRITS: Rum, Ron, Rhum, Ром

No matter what your language is you probably have tried or heard of Rum, its a great drink its typically mixed on the low end of the scale while the really good stuff can be sipped like a whisky or cognac.

But perhaps to me the most appealing thing about rum is that its also a great ingredient,  I prefer to use in on cake, ice cream, flambes, chocolates and may deserts over most spirits it always adds a smoky note that I like. personally a bottle of aged rum is a must, and I prefer it over white rum, but there is good white rum available, pure as vodka and perfect for blending, mojitos and daiquiris.

I am lucky enough to have access to Cuban rum, and with some rare exceptions, I believe its the best stuff available, consistent, perfectly balanced and silky smooth, this rum is special, one thing that I really like about Cuban rum is that you can taste the smoky notes form the burning of the sugar cane prior to harvest, its a delicious burnt caramel flavor that comes trough even when mixed.

So find some good rum and think of it as more than just a mixer, good rum can also be luxurious.

Enjoy  JD

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